Monday, March 3, 2008


Well, guys, this dosn't seem to be going so well. John started this on the first, and we all commented then, and no one has said a thing since! Well I guess i'll see how long it takes y'all to respond to this one. Anyway, I was like a monkey today. Well, not exactly. We put in all the easy windows today. Tomorrow I get to be like a monkey, cause we are putting windows up in the middle of a 40 foot wall. And they are heavy. They are like 4 foot by 6 foot, solid one piece windows. ( as opposed to sliders) Well, that's all I have to say for now.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

In the Beginning

Well we all know what happened in the beginning so lets skip to the beginning of this blog!!! I decided to make this so that I had something more to do with my day then PLAY the computer all day......And so we could all stay in touch with our iner soul.......MATTY........WAW that was almost funny. Actually I made it so we could stay in touch with each other during the week.